“Murder Most Unladylike” Book Cover

Book cover design I created and submitted to the children's fiction category for the Penguin Cover Design Award 2022.

For this cover, read the whole book and wrote down scenes I thought would work well as the cover for the book. After drawing up some sketches and asking for advice, I ended up going with the scene where the main characters go down to the tunnel.

I wanted the cover to show more of the mysterious and darker sides of the book so thought this would be the best choice.

I went with darker and moodier colours to fit in with the atmosphere I was going for. The character designs for the characters are heavily based on what was said about their appearances in the book and of research I did of 1930s fashion.

The fonts I used for the main title and the tag line were chosen between a list of ones I had gathered that used to be used around the 1930s, the time the book is set in.

I wanted the book logo to be simple, something the main characters could have drawn up based around logos from their time. The font used is also one I found during my research for fonts used in the 1930s.

For the back cover, I wanted it to somehow be a continuation of the front cover. Since the tunnel was supposed to be abandoned for a while, I ended up creating a wall in which the plaster had broken off in parts and could see the brick behind it. This is so that the text could be easier to read but still fit in with the front cover.


Chickens Sitting on a Tree

