Waving Profile - Michi Planells Kelly Does Art -web.png


Michi Planells Kelly is a half Irish, half Spanish freelance illustrator with a passion for comics.

They’re a recent 2021 graduate from Ulster University with a First Class Honours in their BDes Hons Graphic Design and Illustration degree.

Michi has had a love of drawing and creating stories for as long as they and their family can remember. Their work is inspired by everything around them, especially their interests. They enjoy drawing people (whether real or fictional), creating characters and telling stories whether their own or somebody else’s.

When they’re not focused on drawing, you can find them enjoying their other interests: watching media (mostly anime and YouTube videos), reading (mostly comics), photography, walking their dog Chico, playing video games, baking,… (Michi has A LOT of interests)

Michi was born in Belfast but raised in Ibiza till their teens. Then moved to Belfast. Currently, they are based in Belfast but you can still find them in Ibiza visiting family.