“Life Isn’t All Ha Ha Hee Hee” Book Cover

Book cover design I created and submitted to the adult fiction category for the Penguin Student Design Awards 2021.

Life Isn't All Ha Ha Hee Hee Book Mockup by Michi Planells Kelly Does Art -web.jpg
Life Isn't All Ha Ha Hee Hee - Book Cover by Michi Planells Kelly Does Art -web.jpg

For my design, I wanted to incorporate the three main characters in some way.

I ended up drawing the three of them in a circle formation since it’s a shape that is mentioned a few times at the end of the story. This was also a way to show how they are connected together. The positions they are in is deliberate and represent their emotions and feelings throughout the book generally as a hint to the reader.

The background pattern was inspired by Indian tapestry but with my own modern take and always incorporating the number three.

The colours used were colours picked from various Indian art I gathered in my research.

The title is handwritten by me in a bold colour to represent the comedy that is also part of the book.




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